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Healthy Schools


Each year we host a range of events including our Healthy Schools awards, workshops and other meetings and campaigns.

Details of these events can be found here throughout the year.

Training & Events

Every year we host events that schools are invited to attend e.g. awards event, review and update meetings/events.

These events are to inform schools of any changes and updates to the programme and enable colleagues to meet, network and review the important work they are contributing towards in their schools.

Details of these events can be found here throughout the year. 


The Teenage Brain - Parents and Carers Webinar

27th June 2025

1.5 hours


This interactive parents' and carers' webinar covers the main changes that happen to the brain during the teenage years, and how this can help us understand young people. In the session we will explor...


We offer bespoke training courses. Please contact us for more information


Being new to the role, I found the service to be hugely beneficial and supportive in ensuring that our pupils and staff have access to the most inclusive, relevant and engaging programmes, resources, training opportunities and support.

Healthy Schools Consultation


Here you can find a range of other helpful resources that may be useful in enhancing the health and wellbeing of your school community.

If you are a school engaged with us we suggest that you log in prior to viewing resources so these can be recorded in your school dashboard.