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Healthy Schools


Healthy Schools support school communities to develop a whole school-inclusive environment. Through collaboration with school communities, we strive to support children and young people to access high-quality health and wellbeing education and support that meets their needs and supports them to thrive and reach their potential.

Training & Events

Our specialist offer includes a range of training to support the CPD needs of staff. Bespoke training is available on request. For more information, please contact kelly.obrien@mft.nhs.uk

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We offer bespoke training courses. Please contact us for more information


Our SEND resources are developed and piloted in partnership with Manchester schools. The SEND role was launched in 2024/25 academic year - we welcome your ideas for resources that you would find useful for children and young people with SEND. Please contact kelly.obrien@mft.nhs.uk for requests or ideas for development.

If you are a school engaged with us we suggest that you log in prior to viewing resources so these can be recorded in your school dashboard.

If you are struggling to find resources around a related topic area, please do get in touch to let us know: kelly.obrien@mft.nhs.uk