Senior Mental Health Leads Network - 1
1pm - 3pm (2 Hours)
Our Mental Health Leads’ network is an opportunity for you and your school community to keep in touch with what is new and relevant in the area of mental health. Since the launch of the network in 2021, the network has continued to grown and offer a valuable network space for school staff.
Each academic year, we host three mental health networks (one in each term) and send out resources, slides and recordings of the meetings to all delegates who attend. By attending the network, you will hear from selected guest speakers from mental health organisations who can offer training, support or resources for you and your school community.
The network also offers you the opportunity to find out about free resources and training available from Healthy Schools.
We look forward to seeing you at our next Mental Health leads network and we strongly encourage that the Senior Mental Health lead (or a comparable in school practitioner) sign up and attend the network meeting.
If you are a school engaged with us we suggest that you log in prior to viewing resources so these can be recorded in your school dashboard.
We have hosted our resources for Parental Mental Health (both support for parents themselves and helping parents to help children) on our pa...