Creating a culture of healthy eating in your school can empower your pupils to make healthier choices now and in the future. These drop in sessions have been developed to offer you one to one support on a variety of healthy eating topics including but, not limited to:
· Positive Dining Room Experience
· Healthy Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs
· Food and Drink Policy
· Healthy Lunchboxes
· Growing your own
· School Meals, healthy snack times and the School Food Standards
If you would like one to one support, sign up for this drop in session below. A week before the session you will receive a time to attend between 15:30 - 17:00 and a link to a Teams meeting.
If you are unable to make the dates above, please email to organise a meeting.
This course is FREE of charge to Manchester schools who have completed the current Health Check. For schools outside of Manchester please contact for fees.