This training will support with the implementation and process of gaining Asthma Friendly School's Accreditation.
This training is for school staff who are interested in becoming Asthma Champions or Asthma Leads. A school Asthma Lead is a member of school staff who takes a lead role within the school to ensure the asthma policy is implemented. They should be part of the Senior Leadership Team within the school and support the Asthma Champion’s role within the school. A school Asthma Champion is a non-clinical member of staff who takes an active role supporting the school with the practical implementation of their asthma policy. They should link with others outside the school for support e.g. Asthma Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), a local GP and local Community Asthma Team. An Asthma Champion is usually a member of staff at the school - the Welfare Officer is ideally placed or a staff member with an interest in children’s asthma and they may be part of a local asthma network. The Asthma Champion should liaise with the school Safeguarding Lead if there are concerns around a child’s asthma control.
All courses are FREE of charge to schools and organisations within the Manchester City Council Boundary. For schools/organisations outside of Manchester please contact for fees.
Venue Address
Training will be delivered virtually via Teams.