This training will focus on effective teaching and learning strategies in PSHE Education. It will cover:
- The benefits of teaching effective Personal, Social, Health and Economic education
- The current Government guidance and OFSTED expectations regarding PSHE and its place with your Personal Development provision
- Best practice in PSHE Education, including creating a safe space, assessment strategies and monitoring progress
- How to answer questions sensitively and navigate difficult topics in the classroom
This is an interactive online training session, please be located somewhere quiet with the correct equipment to participate. Each school may book up to three places separately, however each delegate must access on their own device. If you would like 4 or more teachers to access this training from your school, please contact to arrange an in-house session at your convenience instead.
For teaching staff new to delivering PSHE
This course is FREE of charge to Manchester schools who have completed the current Health Check. For schools outside of Manchester please contact for fees.
Venue Address