“I’m behaving at you! Are you listening?” (Pam Snow 2014)
Behaviour is communication. Many children and young people with social, emotional, and mental health needs (SEMH) have undetected speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN). These needs can often be unrecognised as behaviour can mask a child or young person’s challenges with language and communication.
Children and young people with SEMH and undetected or unmet SLCN are more at risk of experiencing challenges developing positive peer relationships and friendships, and difficulties expressing their ideas and views; they may also face challenges with emotional regulation as we need language to understand our own and others’ emotions. This training aims to support you to understand and identify children and young people that might be presenting with SLCN. You will also be introduced to some strategies to help the children and young people you support in your settings who may have unmet SLCN.
Learning Outcomes
- To begin to explore the relationship between communication and behaviour
- To be able to identify a range of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- To add strategies to your ‘toolkit’ when working in the classroom.
Anyone who works directly with children, young people and their families. This course is particularly suitable for individuals working in schools/educational settings (Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Pastoral staff etc), school health advisors/nurses, family support workers, youth service providers, social workers, residential support workers
All courses are FREE of charge to schools and organisations within the Manchester City Council Boundary. For schools/organisations outside of Manchester please contact healthy.schools@mft.nhs.uk for fees.